Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bourdain's Bandwagon

I've always thought of Anthony Bourdain as a smug prick and self-worshiping "rockstar chef" to the New York elite. I've never seen his show but I've seen him on other shows and he always came across as such an unlikeable douche. I never got what his whole deal was. He's a fucking chef for crying out loud! Why does he have to act so damn self-important?

A good friend of mine is also a chef (and obviously a huge fan of his) twisted my arm and made my watch his show last week. I reluctantly watched it but was hooked right away. I love how he always manages to take cheap shots at the other celeb chefs and especially the ultra-annoying Rachel Ray. I have officially jumped on board to his bandwagon. His show is highly informative and entertaining. I had no idea what I've been missing. He knows more about the world than just a kitchen and utensils.

So in short, I apologize to Anthony Bourdain and proudly can call myself a huge fan of his.

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